ORANGE x Flamingos Vintage Pop-Up Event

At ORANGE’s Dimensions Pop-Up event with Flamingos Vintage, we got the scoop on the store’s commitment to upcycling and love for vintage garms.

Story by _Maya Halabi / @mayaemii__
Photos by Violet Glenewinkel

Flamingos Vintage is a vintage lover’s dream. When you first walk in, your eyes wander to racks of vintage Levis and other high-quality denim labels. Sifting around, you’ll see an array of 70s and 80s vibracious colored dresses, tops and silk kimonos. Check the crowns of the clothing racks to find your next new pair of fine leather, tan cowboy boots or lace-up vintage stilettos. If you’re a classic vintage t-shirt collector, there’s racks for you, too. Take an extended scan at the walls filled with timeless band tees, classic bomber jackets and ageless graphic t-shirts. Not only does Flamingos have an amazing selection of vintage gems, but has them all at affordable prices too-you pay for clothing by the pound.

Flamingos Vintage co-owner and founder, Daniel Martinez, opened the store out of a passion for vintage clothing. Originally from Spain, Martinez opened over 35 locations in Europe on his own. Upon moving to the United States, Martinez gave his close friend and clothing supplier, Haytham Awad, the opportunity to open up other locations across the US. Most recently, Awad opened a new Flamingos location right here in Austin, Texas. The store debuted on the infamous Guadalupe Street in early May and has been a hotspot for college students, Austinites and vintage lovers. 

A University of Texas alum himself, Awad has been distributing vintage clothing upon graduating in May of 2013. On October 23, 2019, ORANGE had the opportunity to partner with Flamingos in hosting an event, where local vintage, art and clothing design vendors popped-up and sold items from their shops. As a UT student and vintage enthusiast myself, I was excited to chat with Awad during the event about starting starting Flamingos Vintage, his work with clothes and role as a wholesaler. 

ORANGE: How long have you been working with secondhand clothing?

H: About 20 years ago, my father was one of the first people in Houston to begin distributing secondhand clothing. After graduating from UT, I started working for him and learned the ins and outs of the business. One of our friends and competitors were going out of business, so I bought the business out and began my own company, American Textile Export. My facility is located in Houston, where we continue to process secondhand clothing. I employ about 150 people and process over 80,000 pounds of second hand clothing a day. 

ORANGE: And how did you become involved with Flamingos Vintage? 

H: The founder, Daniel Martinez, opened over 35 Flamingos locations in Europe. He moved to the US about four years ago and began opening other locations in cities like Houston, Miami, New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Austin. I was one of his suppliers and friends, so he gave me the opportunity to open up a few stores with him, I took advantage of that opportunity. 

ORANGE: Why did you choose Austin specifically? Austin is certainly a vintage hub. 

H: I lived in Austin for five years, going to UT, so I have a lot of love for this city. The style of vintage here also clicks with our store. Flamingos’ vibes and brand heavily aligns with the community here. 

ORANGE: There’s many different types of vintage too! What kinds of pieces can shoppers expect to find in the shop?

H: Yes! Every region goes through different styles of vintage, everyone goes through different phases in various cities. For the most part, every Flamingos offers the same styles, mostly revolving around traditional vintage. You have your Levis, your Wrangler, and your true American vintage. Austin loves denim and our recycled products such as winter and summer crop tops and leather jackets. Repurposing and recycling is super important, as textiles is one of the world’s largest pollutants. If it weren’t for recycling, these clothes would end up in dumps. Sometimes, we recycle oversized women’s dresses and design them into two piece outfits. We also carry vintage t-shirts, more from the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s. They’re completely 100% cotton and made in the USA. Of course, concert t-shirts are always a best seller. 

ORANGE: What makes Flamingos different than other vintage shops or thrift stores? 

H: You could consider like a vintage thrift store. Of course, we are different than anybody else because we sell our vintage by the pound. It’s a much more economical way to purchase clothing. It’s basically the same concept as wholesale. 

ORANGE: Do you have any goals with Austin’s Flamingos location?

H: We’re hoping to play a bigger part in the community and student life here. We strive to move with the trends and cater to what our customers are wanting. We want to share our love for the store by selling high-quality vintage clothing for economic buying prices. 

Awad and his partners will soon be opening another Flamingos Vintage location on Westheimer Road and Montrose in Houston, Texas. The Austin store holds monthly pop-up markets where shoppers can check out vintage and art vendors of all kinds. Flamingos is a fun and noteworthy addition to the Austin community. If you love vintage, check out their spectacular store!